Gersnet Podcast 090 – Hello, Hello, you never WON nine in a row…

  • Acast: (also compatible with Alexa Skills – use your Echo to enjoy the pod!)
  • iTunes:
  • Youtube:
  • Castbox: (also compatible with Alexa Skills – use your Echo to enjoy the pod!)
  • Google Play (USA only for now): Listen on Google Play Music
  • TuneIn:
  • Stitcher: (also compatible with Alexa Skills – use your Echo to enjoy the pod!)
  • Podbean: Coming soon
  • Spotify: (also compatible with Alexa Skills – use your Echo to enjoy the pod!)

Alexa Skills!

Another cool feature of Acast, Castbox, Stitcher and TuneIn is that you can add Skills to your Alexa smart devices in order to listen to the pod through your Echo or TV.

Just open your Amazon Alexa app and search for the relevant Skill to add it, then try the following example commands to get started:

“Alexa, Ask Acast/Stitcher/CastBox/TuneIn to play the Gersnet Podcast”
“Alexa, Ask Acast/Stitcher/CastBox/TuneIn to play the latest episode of the Gersnet Podcast”
“Alexa, Ask Acast/Stitcher/CastBox/TuneIn to play my Favorites playlist”
“Alexa, Ask Acast/Stitcher/CastBox/TuneIn to play Front Page”
“Alexa, Ask Acast/Stitcher/CastBox/TuneIn what are my playlists?”
“Alexa, Ask Acast/Stitcher/CastBox/TuneIn to play Listen Later”

Obviously the Skills support various other relevant commands which you can have fun exploring!

This article was originally posted here